We remain open during lockdown as an essential healthcare business practicing in a covid secure clinic.

BP Blog

Subject: Clinic Reopen 01/06/20
Category: News
Posted by: Veena Pai (05.06.20)

We are now reopen for face to face appointments following telephone triage and COVID 19 screening.

Several measures are in place to ensure a COVID Secure clinic and after a virtual consultation, clinically reasoned discussion and screening we can offer hands on treatment.

There is virtual waiting in place and the therapist will call you in your car and ask COVID screening questions before meeting you at the private wing entrance. You will be asked to use hand gel at the begininning and the end of your session. Consent and screening forms need to be signed before assesment/treatment.

We will provide you with a mask for you to wear during hands on treatment ( or you could wear your own ) and the therapist will be wearing a mask , gloves and an apron.

There is also now contactless card payment. In between each session we have allowed extra time for cleaning of the treatment space and contact areas and ,as always , once gloves removed,  the therapist will wash hands thoroughly inbetween each session.

The clinic room is large with 3 windows that will be open when the weather allows and the door open to ensure good ventilation inbetween appointments.

After 10 weeks of closure we look forward to welcoming you back to BP Physiotherapy and meeting those new clients keen to access  Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment.