Back & Neck Pain

Whiplash or Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD) is not a diagnosis in itself, but a term used to describe any number of neck or back, and associated arm or leg, symptoms which result from a road traffic accident or other high velocity injury. The symptoms are often very uncomfortable for several months but usually resolve fully over a period of 12 - 18 months following the accident. It is important to get a thorough assessment by your local A&E department, GP or HPC registered physiotherapist. Appropriate assessment is important to exclude any serious injury. At Eastleigh and Wickham Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics our physiotherapists will give you immediate advice on how to minimise the pain that you experience with WAD, and will teach you specific exercises to recover your normal range of movement and strength. It is essential to get moving as quickly as possible to stop secondary symptoms associated with your back and neck stiffening up.